(1) You don't think you are attractive enough. This is much less of a problem than most men think. Sure, it is easier for a handsome man to make the very first moves. Girls tend to give him appreciative looks, which boost his confidence and help to get him started. But the less attractive man will find that once he has approached a girl (and this is very easy to do) he can be just as effective as a more handsome man. Women are usually more impressed by a man's personality than by his appearance.

(2) You don't know what to say to open a conversation. This problem is quite easily solved. There is plenty of material and many ideas in later parts of this book.

This is an excerpt from our best-selling book called, "How to Talk to Women."

How to Deal with Women

Tuesday, January 17, 2012 | | 0 comments »

It will be important for you to analyze for yourself each of your past and future failures. Using what you will learn, you will be able to identify your mistakes, thereby making correction and change in your approach much easier.
When one learns to play tennis, he is bound to hit some balls into the net. If he makes no effort to correct his stroke, then balls are going to continue to go into the net and the player is going to become frustrated. If, however, he analyzes every hit, watches the projectory of the ball, is aware of his stroke and the angle of the racquet head, and makes necessary corrections, then his game will improve with practice.
Learn How to Attract and Seduce Women With Our Books, CD's, DVD's, ebooks, Pheromone Products and Cassettes
Dealing with women is much the same. Most successful men meet and date many women before they meet that special one. Realistically, each girl you meet will probably become another in a series of experiences from which you can learn. This practice is invaluable so that when the girl of your dreams does come along, you won't blow it. If you learn from your experiences and use what we will show you, then success will come, just as in any other learning process.

This topless dancer is only interested in taking you for your money and whatever else she can get out of you. Sure, you may get a few dates but it's only to eat at fancy restaurants, drive your fancy car, going on extravagant dates, out-of-town trips, to get nice gifts or money from you, etc.
She's just using you and stringing you along. After dishing out all this money and expenses, she may not even sleep with you either. It's all an act to tease you and use you. She may act like she's interested in you, but she's only interested in what she can get out of you. Look for these signs when you first meet this type. She will ask you questions like these: What do you do for a living? How much money do you make? Do you own your own home? What kind of car do you drive? Do you have a boat?
Free Dating Tips on How to Meet, Attract, Seduce Women
Questions like these could indicate that she's a gold-digger. If she finds out that you are not a man of financial means, she's not going to date you.
So, if you determine that a topless dancer is a gold-digger move on to someone else. I don't know about you, but I hate being used by a woman for my money or a woman is just interested in my assets instead of me as a person.

This is a woman who is actively seeking a lover or boyfriend. She's unattached and looking for a relationship. Perhaps in the back of her mind she's wanting to settle down and get married.

Unfortunately, a nightclub is not the best place in the world to look for a long-term relationship or marriage partner. A lot of men are just out to see how many different women they can make love to and don't want to be tied down to any serious relationships. They have a love them and leave them attitude. The same thing applies to some women who frequent nightclubs.

This type of woman is highly desirable because she's very friendly and easy to make contact with. You can make a very strong impression on this woman by showing her that you're interested in her and care for her. You shouldn't have any problem getting her to leave to get something to eat or go home with you, if you play your cards right.

Happy New Year's Guys

Wednesday, January 04, 2012 | | 0 comments »

I want to wish all my subscribers a Happy New Year. May 2012 be your best year ever in the romance department.

Now is the time to start setting your goals for the year to do better with women...and make it a goal to find the love of your life if you are looking for a lifetime partner.

Best of luck to you guys...

Picking Up Girls History

Wednesday, December 28, 2011 | | 0 comments »

We have now developed into a very liberal, permissive society. We are sure that everyone is aware of this; there is no need to describe the degrees of permissiveness. Picking up girls in public is not considered either unusual or unsavory by most peoples' standards.
But a few, particularly older people, still consider that it is not a "nice" thing to do. Fifty years ago, men who tried to pick up girls in public places were often called' 'mashers," and considered a nuisance. Older people find it hard to change their feelings on something like that. But this is today. If you feel the urge to pick up a girl, do it and few will take any notice, or care very much about it.
Free Dating Tips on How to Meet, Attract, and Seduce Women
The reason for going over all this old history is to show that picking up girls is not a new practice. It has been going on for hundreds of years. So don't feel alone, you are merely going down a path traveled by millions of other men before you.

What Women Want in a Man

Tuesday, December 27, 2011 | | 0 comments »

Women are being barraged by media with examples of what a man is supposed to be. Of course, these examples are made more perfect than real life could ever be, but this is what women see, and men are being compared to an image of the perfect male - the consummate lover.
Women are no longer as dependent as they used to be. They have jobs and careers and can live comfortably on their own. So circumstances that used to keep women in a relationship no longer exit.
The effect of all this is that more women are now leaving relationships than ever before. We are in an era where the burden of proof is on the man. He must live up to the woman's standards of her image of what a man is supposed to be. If she is dissatisfied, then she is leaving him and looking for that perfect man.
Learn How to Attract and Seduce Women With Our Books, CD's, DVD's, ebooks, Pheromone Products and Cassettes
So you, as a man trying to be successful with women and trying to make a relationship work, must be acutely aware of what women want in a man. Building on what we have discussed in this chapter, we will now show you how you can present yourself and tailor your image to be appealing to women. Most of the tips and hints that we will present are very simple in their implementation, but large in their effect. Often, merely a difference in a choice of words will effect a major change in how women perceive you.
This article is an excerpt from our very best-selling book, "A Man's Guide to Women."