A Pheromone Cologne to Sexually Attract and Seduce Single Women

This powerful best pheromone cologne for men containing a secret rare ancient Hawaiian pheromone formula discovered by scientists drives women wild for sex!

Would you like to turn beautiful single women on instantly?

Would you like beautiful girls to ignore your face and stare at your pants? Can you picture yourself with a harem of horny gals wondering what it is about you that they can't resist?

What would it be worth to you for sexy single women to want to share their warm, writhing bodies with you? How would it be to have women get hot and horny just from a whiff of your aroma?

You can get the right answers to all these questions when you discover "Liquid Magnet," the rare distilled ancient Hawaiian pheromone formula that feminist are trying to deprive you of.

Can you blame these uptight women? Here we have an incredible formula of pheromonic essence that triggers the cave woman sexual response of gals from 18 to 80...short, tall, thin or full figured...and they may not even have a clue what's getting them so hot and bothered!!!

Are you in luck! "Liquid Magnet" pheromone cologne for men works on blondes, brunettes, redheads, whites, blacks, orientals, Indians, Hispanics...virtually any women who comes within "sniffing distance" of your undeniably masculine scent.

And the powerful sex magnet pheromone is distilled with our special Liquid-Love cologne essence to get her even more excited and anxious to unleash her passions on you, again & again!

Scientists discovered that our skin was dotted with hormonal scent enabling the opposite sex to seek us out. The stronger the scent, the deeper the attraction. Unfortunately, some of the same aromas causing sexual excitement were far too strong, causing distancing due to the powerful muskiness.

The great news about "Liquid Magnet" is this: It contains only distilled pheromones, blended very carefully with aromatic oils, to produce great attraction, stimulation and prompt response. Without any negative reactions at all! It actually smells good!!

American chemists actually came up with a blend that was overwhelming to many women. It turned them on so fast, so easily, they called it "Liquid Magnet!"

Test after test was done. Experiment after experiment. Women who volunteered for testing said they "Can't get enough" after inhaling "Liquid Magnet."

Dating Young Women for Love and Romance

Things To Know Before You Start Dating Young Women

Are you considering dating young women? What are the things you should consider before going out with a woman who is younger than you? Are there advantages and disadvantages? Here are seven rules for dating young women.

1. Accept when dating younger women that she is from a different “generation” than you. Even if she is only ten years younger than you, her life experiences have been different. The music she listened to as a teenager, the television shows and movies she likes, and even her political world view have been shaped by different experiences. Her vocabulary may be slightly different (like, she says “like” a lot). The further apart in age you are, the more pronounced these differences will be.

2. Accept that she has fewer life experiences than you do. If she’s in her early 20s and you are in your 40s, she’s just beginning to experience adult life. She may want to go out partying while you want a night in or a sophisticated evening. While her electric personality may attract you at first, working out a compromise between her need to go out and your need to stay in will keep you in the relationship for the long haul.

3. Accept that, in part, your attractiveness to her is based on the idea that you have financial security. You may feel like you have no money because of debt, alimony, or child support obligations, but she will see that paycheck of yours as “big money” compared to her own entry level salary. She will expect you to provide nice things and experiences for her. Expect to pick up the check when dating younger women.

4. She will find your maturity and wisdom sexy. One of the things she likes about you is that you’re not an overgrown teenager. Don’t try to act like you are 20. There are plenty of 20 year old men that she could go out with. She chose you precisely because you’re not one of those guys.

5. You can’t be needy. While it is not good to be needy with a woman of any age, younger women are not likely to put up with your clinginess. She is going to be wary of why you are not already with a woman your own age, so she’ll be on guard for any sign that you might need her more than she needs you. When she texts or phones you, don’t feel that you have to respond right away. By putting her on a short leash, you will actually be able to keep her longer.

6. Don’t be insecure. Similar to the advice above, you shouldn’t feel that she has “graced” you with her presence. Sure, she’s hot. But, you have a lot of qualities that make you attractive too. That’s why she’s going out with you. Don’t be insecure about your relationship when dating young women. It just puts them off.

7. Be mature. She is attracted to a man who is a few years older than herself because she is looking for someone who is stable and more experienced. Don’t try to act her age. Be a man of your own age. Your maturity is a natural draw for her.

And, there you have it. A real man’s guide to dating young women.

Flirting advice

Tuesday, November 15, 2022 | 0 comments »

Flirting advice

Why Flirting is Important to Relationships

What is flirting? Are you good at it? Do you recognize it when someone is flirting with you? Is flirting harmful to relationships or good for them? Some people think that flirting is harmful, but I am here to tell you why flirting is important to relationships. Before we can talk about why flirting is important to relationships, however, we must first identify what flirting is.

Flirting is a form of communication that happens between two people that indicates the other is playfully interested in either getting to know the other one better or taking the relationship a little farther. Flirting can take many forms. Flirting can be the wink of an eye. Flirting can be a comment that can be both suggestive and innocent. Flirting can be a casual touch of the hand to the shoulder. Flirting can be a shy smile with down turned face and upturned eyes. Okay, so now that we all know what we are talking about, it is time to learn why flirting is important to relationships.

First of all, flirting is important to relationships early on; it is flirting that begins relationships.If no one ever flirts, no one ever knows that the other person is interested, and the relationship never gets started.

Flirting early on is also important because it makes you feel as if you are attractive. Nothing makes someone more attractive than feeling that others like the way they look. In other words, flirting builds confidence, and confidence makes the person even more attractive. It is a joyful game that makes people feel good and want to get to know you better; which is why flirting is important to relationships early on.

Later, flirting is important to relationships because it signals an intimate connection to your partner. Nothing makes a woman feel better than to know that she and her man have a lingering connection, and nothing can bring up that feeling in her quite like an innocent-but-more flirt from across the room at a crowded gathering. It is as if the whole world disappears for just a moment and there is nothing and no one but the two people involved.

Studies show that flirting is important to relationships even when the relationship has been ongoing for years; that is because it makes the couple feel good about themselves, their partner, and the relationship in general. Why is flirting important to relationships? It keeps a little sizzle going and makes you feel great, sexy, and wanted. So the next time you are enduring a boring-but-necessary business event or sitting through your niece’s graduation party or getting ready to go to the grocery store, remember why flirting is important to relationships and give your spouse a little pinch on the butt or a quick little wink of the eye. Trust me, it will work wonders and bring a little spice to your love life.

How Not to be Boring to Women

Monday, November 14, 2022 | 0 comments »

How Not to be Boring to Women

Don't be Boring to Women

It is very tempting in conversation for a man to take the easy path of talking at length about commonplace things instead of moving on to more vital personal matters, Shyness can contribute to such behavior. It would then appear to a girl that such a man was afraid to get personal. The overall impression would be of a dull, bland person, and chances are she would become bored and lose interest.

For example, take a man at a party: He sees a particularly attractive girl. He must get to know her better. He approaches.

  • "Hi! I don't think we've met. I'm Jack Smith."
  • "Well, hello. My name is Mary Jones."
  • "You sure look great tonight, Mary."
"Thanks!" she says, and smiles back at him. She appears quite friendly toward him. He sits down on the sofa beside her, and asks:

"Are you a friend of Charlie's?" Charlie is the host.

"Yes, I knew him in college."

So he tells her how well he knew Charlie, and they swap stories about "Old Charlie." Then they talk about college life in general. Later they discuss Middle East politics, and then a theory he had heard for determining the age of rocks. After they have been talking about thirty minutes, she says:

"Excuse me, Jack, but I have to go out back for a moment."

She goes off in the direction of the bathroom. Later he sees her talking to other people in the next room. She doesn't come back to the sofa. Jack knows he has struck out.

This unhappy little drama is a too-frequent occurrence.

What did he do wrong? He just plain bored her to death. Up to the time he sat down with her everything was fine. She really seemed to welcome his attention. But he didn't do anything about it. He just talked on and on about those "safe" subjects. They were easy to talk about because they were impersonal. But she didn't come to the party to hear about those dry things.

What should he have done? He should have been bolder, and gotten personal with her. It was O.K. for a little small talk about "Old Charlie." Maybe five minutes worth. But then he should have made some personal moves toward her. She was probably expecting that he would. He could have given her a personal compliment about her figure or her legs, being sure to look directly at such parts while doing so. He might have drawn her out on some of her experiences in college - particularly personal things -and told some spicy stories out of his college days (but not his own exploits). He could have done any of the "personal" things we have mentioned in this book. Then she might have remained interested, at least, and hopefully impressed.

Why didn't he? Probably because he was afraid she might be offended if he became too personal. He didn't want to take the chance of being embarrassed if she took offense. But you have to take that chance. You have to stick your neck out a little, or you will get nowhere.

How to Use Dirty Words When Talking to Women

Double Meanings of Sexy Talk with Women

Using Dirty Words When Talking to Women

Using dirty words with a girl means you are taking liberties with her, in much the same way as with other sexual overtures. A big difference though is that many girls who are quite interested in sex do not like being exposed to a lot of four letter words. They find it vulgar and irritating. After hearing this language frequently, as in many movies, the novelty wears off. Many men feel the same way.

If you feel uncomfortable with this language, by all means don't use it; or restrict your usage to a few of the milder words. I'm sure that there are very few girls who would be less impressed if you used no four-letter words.

However if you like to use a little salty language with girls, you can slip in an odd reference to someone being "bare-assed broke" or it being "cold as a witch's tit" (or any other mildly vulgar expression) and see how she takes it. If she gives you a cold response you'd probably be better off not going on to stronger words. But if she likes it she will probably bounce a few choice ones back to you. If she does, she is encouraging you to use stronger language with her; since she is accepting the liberties you have taken with her, she is encouraging you sexually, also.

Books, CDs, Pheromones on How to Meet, Seduce Women

Books, Audio Books, CDs, Cassettes, eBooks, and

Pheromone Cologne on How to Successfully

Meet, Date, Attract, and Seduce Women

Browse our catalog of products on how to succeed with women and improve your dating and love life. Just click the highlighted title of the product at the beginning of each paragraph for a full description of each product to help you meet, date, and seduce more single women.

Sexual Pick Up Lines to Use on Women

Double Meanings of Sexy Talk with Women

Double Meanings

The mildest form of sexual overture is to speak with double meaning. The following phrases are some of the many that can be spliced into the conversation innocently, but delivered with a slight suggestion of deeper meaning:

  • Can I tempt you?
  • Will you take me on?
  • Give me a try.
  • You know what they say; you've got to try it to see if you like it.
  • Come here! I want you.
  • Do you want me?
  • I'd like to see what you've got.
  • I'd like to see what you can do.
  • I'd like to see more of you.
  • Are you hot?
  • All the way.
  • Do it together.
  • Will you, or won't you.
  • Does she, or doesn't she.
  • If I called to pick you up later, would you be willing?
  • I've been trying to think of something we could do together, where we could have lots of fun.
  • You're getting me all excited now.
  • Do you want to play?
  • Let's fool around a bit.