Are you making these conversation blunders when talking to women? Examine these common blunders and make sure you don't make these mistakes that can hinder your success with women:

1. Don't get too caught up in constantly trying to think of what you are going to say next. This can cause you to lose focus on what she is saying and you may even forget what she is saying.

2. Don't change the subject to quickly when she is talking about what she is interested in. This is rude when you constantly change the subject when she is talking. It makes her feel like you are not interested in what she has to say.

3. Don't let your mind drift off while talking to her. It is so embarrassing when you keep having to say, "What did you say?" or "Could you repeat that?"

4. Don't constantly belittle or discount what she has to say.

5. To be a good listener you don't necessarily have to agree with everything single thing that comes out of her mouth just to be nice or to avoid conflict.

If you really want to learn how to talk to women may I suggest buying our book, "How to Talk to Women."

PRIVACY AREA - These are dark and secluded areas which lends itself to a more intimate and quieter area for conversation with the dancers. The less distractions the better when you're making your moves on the dancers.
Also, if you are getting a table dance, this area is more private and you can get a much more intimate, personal, and sexy table dance. Being that this area is more private and secluded, this may increase your chances of getting her to show you her bush. Don't make the mistake of thinking that because you're in a secluded area you can touch the dancers intimately while they're dancing. You can look but you better not touch, as a general rule! Those are the rules and if you do, she will get the bouncer on your ass.
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You may be thinking, what if she let's me touch her private parts or encourages me. Forget it! It just won't happen, normally. Only in your dreams.
One final point. If you are alone, the privacy area can be good. You will be visibly alone to the dancers and they will come over and talk to you.
Plus, they may assume that since you're sitting alone in a dark secluded area that you want a table dance and that relates to making money, which they
are obsessed with. So, they will be hitting you up. Just remember you are not obligated to accept a table dance for money.
This article is an excerpt from our best-selling book called, "How to Pick Up Topless Dancers."

Although you may not want to hear this, a love that has been lost is usually not worth the effort to regain. One reason for this is that the individual himself, after finally regaining the love, finds his own love has to a degree waned or atrophied in the meantime. This peculiar situation is no doubt due to the fact that one is inclined to think, at the time, that he cares more for the one whose love he has lost than he actually does. Once given a chance to pause and catch up, to cast sentiment aside and reason the matter out in a common sense way, he begins to realize the unfairness and perhaps the deceptions the lady in the case may have practiced; he begins to see her as she is, her faults and short-comings loom large before his eyes.

It must be remembered that even though a man may care ever so much for a woman, this does not give her the right to trample upon and to take advantage of the affection he has for her. In nine cases out of ten, were a man to wait a few weeks or a few months or even a year before trying to regain a woman's love, he would, during that time, find someone more worthy, more caring, more beautiful and more suited to him in every way.

Where a man does cast sentiment aside and in the light of clear reasoning finds that he actually wants and cares for a woman, he should still not permit himself to brood and become melancholy over the broken romance; instead he should mix with friends and go about as though he meant to forget the affair altogether. He should appear as
happy and light-hearted as possible, and in many cases these actions on the man's part will bring the woman to her senses, however, he should not rush to her the very moment she indicates he is the least bit welcome, but should continue to show considerable indifference.

Until a very definite understanding has been reached he should let himself appear in the position of man who is torn by conflicting desires and emotions, of wanting the woman's love and of also wanting to see the wide, wide world, other friends, other single women and other loves.

There are cases where a man loses the love a good, true woman through faults which are purely his own. Such cases usually demand from him a complete explanation or a sincere apology, depending upon the circumstances. If the explanation or apology offered is not at first accepted, try, try again. If you can convince a real woman that you love her with a love that is true, she is likely to forgive you for almost anything you may do; most good single women realize that humanity is weak and that some men are weaker, so they learn to forgive and forget.

In some of the most obstinate cases, where a lost love is worth the effort to regain, a man may leave the scene of the love affair for an indefinite period of time and his absence alone may cause the love of the woman to return. However, while away the man should not be too prompt in communicating and by no means should he apprise the lady of his doings; she should be kept in complete suspense or made to feel that considerable mystery surrounds him in his new location. This lack of information; of keeping her in suspense serves to hold her interest, and interest alone often leads to love.

While away the man should secretly strive to improve himself mentally, socially and physically. Through these improvements it is possible for one to improve themselves to the extent that they become a different person, a better man in every way. After you have obtained the desired results in the upbuilding of yourself, you may return to the old love as a new man, full of fire, ambition and determination, literally sweeping her off her feet. Although the foregoing may sound slightly ridiculous to you, it has been done time and time again.

It must be said that we are too often judged only by what we are, by what we have actually accomplished, and not by what we are striving to accomplish. Many people, especially women, are inclined to admire only the finished product and not the rough diamond while it is in the course of being polished.

Therefore, whatever one may do to improve his appearance, to advance himself socially and to broaden his mentality, he should do secretly and without appearing to do so. You cannot surprise people and dazzle them with your accomplishments if they have long known that you have been studying, striving and preparing with those very things as an objective. When one has cultivated himself to the highest degree of splendor, he should leave the impression that any good qualities he may have are merely a part of his nature and as such are of little importance's; he should let it be known that far higher things are his ultimate goal, and since most single women are prone to judge a man by comparison, they will in doing this discover that he is superior to others of their acquaintance.

Once a single woman has known the friendship of a man of taste and culture, she finds it quite impossible to reconcile herself to those who are inferior.

See if these pick up lines will help you start a conversation with single women:

1. “Let’s take the T-Tops off my Corvette and go for a ride.”

2. “Excuse me, but would you have the time?”

3. “What was it you said? Oh, I thought you were talking to me.”

4. “Do you mind if I take a picture of you?” (If she says yes, take her picture and ask for her telephone number to notify her when they get developed so you can give her a copy.)

5. “If I follow you home, will you keep me?”

At work, you see the same women, day after day. This situation favors the gradual approach to enlarging your circle of single female acquaintances. If you are a bit leery of asking to be introduced to someone you would like to meet, you can always practice a bit of subtlety. Smile at her one day. See if she returns your smile. If so, you might make a routine of exchanging smiles each morning and evening. Begin to wave 'hello' to her.
Finally, you may get to the point where you actually speak a few words to each other... and things may continue from there. The advantage of this strategy is that either of you can stop, or even retreat at any point in the progression without undue embarrassment or trauma.
Free Dating Tips on How to Meet, Attract, and Seduce Women
A workplace romance with a subordinate, or, worse yet, with a supervisor, can be risky. It can interfere with the performance of your duties and jeopardize your advancement or even continued tenure on the job. Making an advance toward a fellow employee (or having one made toward you) may destabilize and upset the delicate relationships in your working group.
Exercise caution, or, at the very least, discretion.
This article contributed by Leo Cooper at

How to Overcome Shyness

Saturday, August 07, 2010 | | 0 comments »

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New Movie

Friday, August 06, 2010 | 0 comments »

I went and saw the new Will Ferrel movie today called, "The Other Guys" and it had some real funny parts in it. I thought Will and Mark Walberg were good together. I wouldn't see it again but enjoyed it otherwise...