1. Money - This is one subject she is obsessed with and that is making money.
2. Men and relationships - Women love to talk about men and relationships. You can really impress her by sympathizing with her on all the crap she has to put up with by the jerks in the club, (Guys hitting up on her all the time, getting propositioned for sex, men acting like dogs in heat, men treating her like a whore and showing her no respect, putting up with drunks, jealous boyfriends, men talking vulgar and crude towards her, etc.).
3. Cooking and dining out - Discuss your favorite recipes and your favorite restaurants.
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4. Music and concerts - Dancers love music, dancing, and going to concerts.
5. Drugs - They like to talk about getting high. Not all dancers take drugs but topless clubs are part of the drug scene. Some dancers need to take drugs to get high to take their clothes off.
6. Nightclubs - Most dancers love to dance and party at nightclubs. Discuss your favorite nightclubs to party at.
7. The beach - Most topless dancers like to lay out and get a good tan. Talk about your local beach scene.
If you discuss some or all of these subjects, you'll never run out of things to talk about and your conversations will flow smoothly. Plus, you will make a powerful impression on her and attract her to you.
The more you can talk to her the better. Always keep the conversation flowing. This diverts her attention from trying to make money off of you. It also helps to establish a friendship. Remember this phrase when dealing with topless dancers. "Friendship first, lover second."
7 Things to Talk to Topless Dancers About
Sunday, February 24, 2013 | Picking Up Topless Dancers | 0 comments »There are numerous organizations looking for voluntary workers. By doing volunteer work, you will most likely be exposed to and meet some nice women and you will be working together for a common cause. You just can't help but get to know women well when you're working together. This leaves the door wide open for forming intimate relationships.
There are plenty of activities that you can volunteer for. Examples are: Charity work, political campaigns, hospital work, crisis hot-line counselors, church functions, working with retarded and underprivileged children, telethons, carnivals, bazaars, teaching courses, party host, and many, many more.
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How do you find volunteer work? Just check your newspapers. Here in Houston there's a special section in the newspaper listing organizations looking for volunteers, giving details and how to contact them. Keep your eyes and ears open for volunteer opportuni¬ties.
Volunteer for anything. Even if it's your job. Volunteer for special functions such as company picnics, dinners, banquets, planning company trips, recreation committee, etc. This will pay off in contacts with all those lovely women at work.
A girl walking or waiting for a bus can be offered a ride in your car. But it is better to talk a little before you make the offer.
With hitch hikers (if you are attracted) also introduce yourself immediately.
Why You Should Not Just Wait for the Right Girl to Come Along
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 | Dating Tips | 0 comments »Now let's get back to the statement of making yourself interested in a girl that may not be the girl of your dreams. Simply this: It is always better to involve yourself with women, even if your interest is low, than to be involved with no one at all.
1. As soon as you start dating one girl you meet her friends, and thus many more women.
2. Her friends are most likely going to find you attractive. After all, their friend does. And they will be comfortable around you. You are safe. Not some guy "on the make."
3. You put yourself in a position where you aren't so desperate.
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4. If that "10" does come along, she will see that you are found attractive by other women, and that will help in your pursuit of her.
5. To not be involved with other women is social suicide. We have met many friends who are so particular that they sit around avoiding any involvement waiting for the perfect girl to come along. Unfortunately, when potentially perfect girls do come along, they perceive these as being boring. After all if he isn’t involved with other women, he must not have anything going for him.
6. If nothing else, it's good practice. And practice makes perfect.
7. The final word: Involve yourself with as many women s possible - the rich get richer. A girl that you may not find attractive may lead (directly or indirectly) to someone your do find attractive.
What to Talk About When with Topless Dancers
Thursday, February 07, 2013 | Picking Up Topless Dancers | 0 comments »First of all let's cover what most topless dancers are interested in talking about:
1. Family and home - If she has any children you can really get on the good side of her by taking an interest in her children.
2. Health & Fitness - A lot of dancers work out to keep their bodies in good shape.
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3. Her job and the topless club she works at.
4. Personal growth and career goals - Some dancers are ambitious and only dancing temporarily to make some money to further their careers in another field. Be sure and find out her career goals.
5. Clothes and shopping - You can really capture her heart if you're knowledgeable about women's fashions and talk about shopping.
6. Perfume and jewelry - Talk about her favorite perfumes and comment on any jewelry she's wearing.
7. Recreation and travel - Dancers usually like to have fun and go on out-of-town trips.
Daytime Barflys
These are women who hang out at bars during the day. They are bored and friendly. They are very easy to meet also.