If you make it your goal to constantly go where and be where many women congregate, and if you put all your efforts into trying to meet and pick up as many women as possible, you will sooner or later meet a woman who will fulfill all your dreams. A woman capable of intimacy, not afraid of commitment, communicates, and will fall in love with you exactly as you are.

Why Men Pick Up Girls

Thursday, June 30, 2011 | | 0 comments »

Why Men Pick Up Girls:

1. Some men are just plain horny, and looking for new playmates. It is a wonderful world for such men. They can go out in a shopping mall, beach, or any public place, look over the crop of lovelies parading about, take their pick, make their moves, and (if the girl is willing) proceed with some kind of romantic adventure. What a fantastic opportunity. And men are doing it all the time. The only catch is that they have to know how to make those successful moves.

2. But all the men who make a move to contact a strange girl (in a public place) are not after one night stands, as you, the reader, may not be. With many men the main idea is to meet an exciting new girl. What develops out of the meeting, they can't predict. But it might end up being a meaningful relationship.

3. Still other men are just being friendly, with no immediate intentions further than that.

Throughout the book, you find changing moods and tones in how a man is to deal with a woman. At one end of the spectrum, a man is to be romantic, tender, loving, understanding, appreciative of her, and etc. At the other end, a man must be hard, macho, decisive, firm, unwilling to accept any form of negative behavior. If you read the book trying to find one type of person to be in order to please a woman, you will never be completely successful with women. At different times, a man will find himself at opposite ends of the spectrum or somewhere in between to properly deal with a woman and her changing moods and needs. Sometimes women need to be babied; sometimes they need to be given their independence. Sometimes they need to be loved; sometimes they need to be scolded.

The most successful men I have observed were successful because they had the ability, the perception, and the sixth sense to know when to be hard with a woman and when to be soft. They understood a woman's wants, needs, desires and motivations. When a woman needed to be loved and cared for, she was. When a woman needed to be put in her place, she was. And throughout it all these men were loved for this ability. This perception of a woman's needs and the ability to deal with those needs is far more an art than a science, but it is something that every man can master.

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First of all, I will describe topless clubs, broken down into three different tiers:
The Top Tier are the high-class, high cover charge, exclusive gentlemen's clubs. They are very crowded, full of rowdy, horny men and have a huge number of dancers all moving over a large number of stages and circulating constantly. Many of these clubs may have a large proportion of the girls working varying degrees of prostitution on the side and it may be difficult to arrange a date in the traditional sense. Also, the girls seem to be under a lot of pressure to keep on the move and hustle drinks or dances. I'm not saying to stay away from the top tier clubs, but you will have much better luck at meeting and picking up topless dancers at the second tier clubs described next.
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The Second Tier clubs are still nice but quieter and usually less crowded, which is to your advantage. There will be less men, which means less competition. Although the dancers are not usually as good-looking as the crowded club, there are still a number of outstanding lookers who don't like the pressure of the big clubs. From my experiences, it's best to focus all of your attention on the Second Tier clubs. You will score much better.
The Third Tier clubs are low-class and somewhat seedy. The girls are usually not very attractive, mostly blue collar clientele and the atmosphere is not very good. As far as topless dancers go, you will meet some real losers here. So, in my opinion I would recommend avoiding third tier topless clubs. If you do insist on going to these clubs, be prepared to meet some dancers with some really screwed up heads.

Listed here are what not to do when out on a first date with single women:
Do not talk about any of your personal problems. This is not appropriate with someone you hardly know.
Don't act desperate. This date is just for fun and getting to know each other. Keep it light-hearted and don't act as if you are auditioning for a lifetime commitment. Don't cling to her and talk about your future relationship with her.
For a first date, don't go to a nightclub or loud bar. They are too noisy for conversation and it's hard to get to know each other if you can't hear each other.
Free Dating Tips on How to Meet, Attract, and Seduce Women
Don't talk about anything negative at all. Keep everything you talk about upbeat and positive.
Don't get drunk! This really turns women off and makes a bad impression. Don't drink at all or limit your drinking to a couple of drinks.
Here's a real no no. You see a couple of your buddies and you leave her to go talk to them. You ignore her and just leave her hanging while you shoot the bull with your buddies. This is very inconsiderate and downright rude. The proper thing to do is just introduce your buddies and keep your conversation with them brief.
After all you are out on a date with her, not your buddies.

See a pretty girl at work you would like to meet? Try this: “Hi, my name is__________. I work in the __________dept. I wanted to meet you so I could invite you to come to the annual company picnic/banquet with me.”

“Hi! Where are you going? Do you mind if I come along?”

“Do you happen to be from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten-I-see.”

“Should we talk now or just continue flirting from a distance?”

(Walk up behind a girl and point fingers shaped like a gun into her back.) “You’re under arrest.” She will reply, “For what?” You reply, “For stealing my heart.”

I went and saw the new movie, "Mr. Poppers Pinquins" and I would not recommend this movie for a date movie. It's kinda boring...